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A Percentage Of Profits From Fahlo’s Voyage Bracelets has Been Donated To us
- meet some of the people Impacted by fahlo -
We want to express our appreciation for the support provided by Fahlo in advancing our mission to promote marine conservation and shark research. With their generous contributions, we have been able to tag more sharks and continue to educate the public about the importance of sharks to ocean habitats around the world.
In addition, Fahlo has provided crucial support to the future of shark research by providing essential resources to marine science students. This has given them unique opportunities to gain firsthand experience in the field and further their studies.
- Vital Heim, Ph.D. student -
Vital placing a Fahlo tag on a great hammerhead
One of many hammerheads Vital tagged through Fahlo’s funding
Ph.D. student Vital Heim has outfitted a substantial number of sharks with tags Fahlo’s support put within reach. "In 2021, Fahlo decided to support our project by contributing Smart Position and Temperature (SPOT) tags that allow us to precisely track our sharks in near-real time,” he said.
“Thanks to Fahlo, we were able to double the number of tagged sharks for our study. This has been critical to our work as we now have a large enough dataset to assess the potential of time-area closures as tools to improve the management of hammerheads in the US Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.”
Speaking to the impact Fahlo has had on his work with Saving the Blue, he said, “Great and scalloped hammerhead sharks are highly-mobile species that regularly make large scale (1000km +) migrations. Their movements are complex with differences from day to day, seasonally, between sexes and species. It is critical we have tracks of many individuals of varying life stages and sex to generate key space use data to protect them from overfishing. Fahlo’s support has been a game changer for our hammerhead project, not only through funding sharks tags but also through their bracelets inspiring the public to care about sharks through following their unique journeys! We are forever grateful to them for their support and together we can truly make a difference for our sharks and the oceans they inhabit”
- Scott Bradley, Filmmaker -
Scott filming for Saving the Blue and Fahlo
The finished piece
Videographer Scott Bradley enthused that working with Fahlo and the Saving the Blue team gave him the opportunity of a lifetime. “To film something as incredible as the hammerhead project was a singular experience. Capturing video of wild sharks really shows what I’m capable of!”
“This opportunity was huge for me! It not only furthered my passion for sharks and improved my skillset, I created a unique video that was submitted and used for my final University major project”
He was absolutely thrilled to be able to do this work with Saving the Blue and get his name out there early on in his career.
- Bailey Majerus, mARINE bIOLOGiST -
Bailey assists with a Fahlo tag on a great hammerhead
Bailey and a team secure a hammerhead for tagging
Reflecting on how Fahlo has helped her grow, Bailey Majerus, Environmental Science graduate, shared that Fahlo, along with Saving the Blue, “Has been of incredible support helping her grow as a scientist and conservationist.” She added, “With the support of these phenomenal organizations, I have gained a wealth of new knowledge about our oceans, shark research, and how they are interconnected and crucial to the health of our planet.”
“Being able to be part of an organization that sees the bigger picture and continuously demonstrates their strong commitment to their mission is something I am proud to be a part of.”
Fahlo’s support enabled Bailey to get up close and personal with these magnificent animals.
- David Kronman, mARINE bIOLOGiST -
David prepares equipment as the team work to secure the shark
David places an external tag on a shark in Florida
“I have always known I wanted to do shark research,” said David Kronman, current marine sciences student at the University of Miami. “Marine science is an incredibly competitive field, especially for someone just starting out. On these trips, I have gained experience in the field with some of the best shark scientists in the world.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to go on these trips at all without Fahlo,”
David wants to spend his future in the field studying shark migration, an area in which there is still so much to be discovered and learned. His education is focused on marine science and geography, with the objective of becoming an expert in satellite and tracking technology. With his passion for shark science and studying the migratory behavior of these beautiful and important animals, David will be poised to make significant contributions to this critical research.
During his trips with Saving the Blue, David helped tag a number of silky sharks, several great hammerheads, and even a sandbar shark. He is very grateful to Saving the Blue and Fahlo for these amazing opportunities.
- Thank you -
Thank you to all who have purchased a Fahlo bracelet. Thank you for caring and conserving our sea life by supporting and helping fund our research efforts. We couldn’t function without the encouragement and financial backing from the public, and small businesses, and we’ll be forever grateful for people like you.
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